How many Dimensions are there?

Salman Maken
4 min readJan 17, 2021


We live in a world which has 4 dimensions:

One is time and the other three are spaces. But until recently, scientists have proposed a new theory, according to which there are 10 dimensions in our universe.

In physics, there is an important theory which is known as “String Theory”.

According to this theory, there are 10 dimensions in our universe.

There is another theory known asM-Theory”, according to which there are 11 dimensions. But according to another theory known as “Bosonic string theory”, there are 26 dimensions in our universe.

So what are dimensions. According to Wikipedia:

“The dimension of a mathematical space is informally defined as the minimum number of coordinates needed to specify any point within it.”

In this article, I am going to explain 10 dimensions according to the the String Theory.

Zero Dimension

Consider a dot on a piece of paper which has no length and no width. No depth and no height. A point of nothingness. Such a dot dot has no dimension. This is called zero dimension.

Such as our universe before the big bang. Which neither move nor rotate, but everything lies within it, is an example of zero dimension.

One Dimension

Let us consider two dots of zero dimension. We are going to connect these two dots each other with a single line.

Then everything between these two dots can move from one point to another, but it cannot go in any other direction. This is called one dimension.

Two Dimensions

In two dimensions, one can move to left, right, front and back. This means if you are on a 2D surface, then you can move in four directions.

Consider the example of a snake game on your mobile screen where snakes can move in four directions only up, down, left or right. This is an example of a two dimensional surface.

Three dimensions

In three dimensions, one can move in six directions. Like up, down, left, right, front and back.

For example, a cube has three dimensions such as length, width, and volume.

Fourth Dimensions

Fourth dimension is Time. Time is connected with our 3D world. Time itself is one dimensional and always moves in one direction.

3 Spaces and one time makes 4 dimensions. We are living in a 3D world with time as the 4th dimension. In our physical world, we always travel forward in time, we cannot travel back in time.

Fifth dimension

As we know that we are living in a 3D world with time as the fourth dimension. Time always moves in a forward direction.

What will happen if our time will start moving both in forward and backward direction. Then we will move forward as well as backward in time. This is called 5th Dimensions. Three dimensions of spaces and two dimensions of times.

In this case, you will have two parallel existences at the same time in two parallel universes. For example in one universe you are a doctor while in another universe you are an engineer. And you can travel back in time whenever you want.

Six dimensions

Let’s suppose that you are a doctor in one universe. But you could travel back in time to your childhood and both of you will travel together or you could travel to another universe where you are an engineer. Then both of you can live together at the same time. This is called the sixth dimension.

So in six dimensions, you could either travel back in times or travel to a parallel universe.

Seventh Dimension

Let’s suppose we have two dots or points. Each dot is like a universe as it was before the big bang. And we connect both the points with each other. It’s called 7th dimension.

In seven dimensions, two universes have been connected with each other. One can travel back and forth between two universes.

Eighth Dimension

In eight dimensions, instead of two, three points connected with each other. And one can travel to all these points anytime.

In other words, the eighth dimension is similar to seven dimensions but it contains another point which is connected to both of these points. So all these points connected to each other.

Ninth Dimension

What happens if these points of universes are not one, two or three. Rather multiple universes are connected with each other. And there are multiple paths.

In this case there are infinite ways to go to any time or place.

Tenth Dimension

Imagine 10 dimensions where no rules and no laws of physics are applicable. You are no longer bound to a certain time or space. In this case all the imaginable things becomes possible.

In the tenth dimension there is no limit for time. You can travel to anywhere where you want or anytime whenever you want.

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